How to Invite More People To Your Church

Many churches are still using postcard mailings, paper pamphlets, and paper door hangers to reach their neighbors and invite them to Sunday services and upcoming events. Other churches may think just organically posting sermon graphics should be enough. While these types of outreach may still have some traction, there is another way to take the Great Commission into the living, breathing (and scrolling) “nations."

How do you reach people with your message?

In the past six months, a third of adults in the U.S. viewed a religious service online, and many viewers are getting there by paid ads.  Unfortunately, many churches don’t know how to employ the social media pay-to-play model, and they’re missing out on a huge payoff. Effectively running Google Adwords and setting up compelling Facebook and Instagram ads can be a game-changer for your church. It’s also cost-effective if you know what you’re doing (only 9 cents a click, in some instances). 

With the right strategic marketing partner, you can specifically target any demographic to increase attendance and giving. 

How Brookstone Church Increased Attendance (Virtually & Physically)

Coming off of the COVID shut down, Brookstone Church in Asheville, NC, asked Vers to help them increase the number of people attending their virtual service. They were about to open their doors again for in-person services, but they believed their greatest reach would come through their online opportunities. 

As we tracked the results and analyzed their messaging, one thing became clear. While they were increasing their online viewers, their in-person attendance was growing week over week.

Brookstone’s messaging has been very personal. Currently, their content is community-focused, but they have also featured:

-Upcoming sermon series
-Sermon video clips
-Welcome messages

They have had a click-through rate of 9% and the cost per click was only 9 cents. In one month they had 4,300 clicks at an average of just 12 cents per click. One family-focused ad was shared 16 times—that was free. 

The Time Is Now

Are you ready for more people to find your church? This is the time to get in on a social paid ad strategy. It's affordable to reach people where they are spending a lot of time and looking for hope, purpose, and a sense of community. 

Reach out to our team and let us know how we can help your church grow your numbers through targeted social advertising.


What to Expect from Your First Month Running Church Ads


How to Run Effective Ads for Your Church (7 Tips)